Description: Hen Harrier in flight. Mark Hamblin | 2020VISION
Manx Wildlife for the Future
Our Strategy
Manx Wildlife for the future
Our Vision
The Isle of Man’s land and waters rich in wildlife, where nature matters to all
Our Mission
To protect and enhance our environment, create more spaces for wildlife, and inspire people to act for nature

Guy Edwards 2020 VISION
Throughout our work MWT aims to:
- Develop our fundraising ability to provide the money we need to deliver our ambitions
- Work collaboratively with key organisations, partners and stakeholders to deliver measurable gains for Manx nature
- Make informed evidence-based decisions in all our work
- Operate good governance at all levels within MWT and our trading arm Wildlife Ltd.
- Maximise our use of appropriate technologies and efficiencies across our work
- Showcase and communicate Manx culture, language, and heritage appropriately
- Champion the Isle of Man’s UNESCO Biosphere status and play our part in maximising the opportunities it offers us
- Align with the principles and ambitions of The Wildlife Trusts (TWT) and work positively as a member of the TWT federation
- Network with other islands and small nations, to collaborate on conservation issues

Graham Makepeace-Warne
Donate to support Manx wildlife for the future
Help us deliver on our strategy