Magnificent Meadows Education Course

Close Sartfield's display of Orchids in the summer is a spectacular sight! ©Graham Makepeace-Warne
This is a series of six sessions on Wednesday afternoons (2-5pm), delivered by MWT Reserves Officer, Tricia Sayle, along with guest specialists in invertebrates and fungi. The sessions will be based at our MWT Nature Reserves, between 25th May and 19th October.

Fungi found in the curragh part of Close Sartfield Nature Reserve.
Our nature reserves contain 60 acres of wildflower meadows, with fantastic plant diversity, and supporting a wealth of invertebrates, birds, and mammals.
The aim of this series of events is to illustrate the challenges and rewards of managing this incredible and undervalued habitat. Tricia will give an overview of the background and management of our reserves at Close Sartfield, Moaney & Crawyn’s Meadows, Fell’s Field, Ballamooar Meadow, Goshen, and Close e Quayle, and the botanical treasures to be found there.
Several local naturalists, who have been gathering biological data on selected reserves, will join the sessions to showcase the variety of life associated with these important habitats.
The cost of the full course is £90 for non-members and £60 for MWT members with a maximum of 15 spaces on the course.
Book your place here-…
If you have any queries please email If you are only able to attend a couple of the sessions we may be able to accommodate a reduced booking fee for this course.