What are Wildlife Sites?
Wildlife Sites are places that are of high wildlife value. They are formally recognised by the Isle of Man Government, including in the Isle of Man Strategic Plan 2016.
The Strategic Plan defines Wildlife Sites as, 'Places which are of high wildlife value but are not statutorily designated or recognised by law, but they are protected through the planning system (as they are designated as Sites of Ecological Interest in Local and Area Plans). They are the most important places for wildlife outside legally protected land, such as Areas of Special Scientific Interest (ASSIs)'.
Furthermore Environment Policy 4 of the Strategic Plan states, 'Development will not be permitted which would adversely impact... Wildlife Sites.'
As habitat areas, Wildlife Sites on farmland are also recognised under the various DEFA Cross Compliance regulations. Financial support for their optimal management is available to Manx farmers under the Agri-Environment Scheme.
Linking habitats
Many habitats and species are becoming increasingly fragmented and isolated. A network of Wildlife Sites act as corridors or stepping-stones, linking habitats together to aid migration and dispersal. Collectively, these sites should, with appropriate management, ensure the conservation of biodiversity on the Island, for the benefit of future generations.
MWT believes that conservation of Wildlife Sites is essential to maintain the biodiversity of our Biosphere Island. Our vision is for all areas of Wildlife Site quality to be managed to the benefit of the Island’s wildlife and that, where needed, resources will be available to ensure this happens.
MWT has been at the forefront of the move to develop and administer a Wildlife Sites system for the Island. We work in partnership with other stakeholders to identify and monitor sites and seek resources to enable us to provide advice and practical assistance with management.
As of March 2023 there are 92 designated Wildlife Sites. Of these, 62 are area-based designations that support important habitats or species, covering 2.15% of the Island (1,230 hectares/3,041 acres). An additional six sites are linear designations covering 10.4km of coastline of known importance to Grey Seals as haul-out or breeding areas. Finally, there are also 24 Conservation Verges, designated to recognise and protect through appropriate management the best roadside habitats on the Island.
All Wildlife Sites (and also Manx Wildlife Trust Nature Reserves) are clearly depicted on the public 'Island Environment' map which can be found here.

Designated Wildlife Sites in and around Douglas and Onchan as of January 2022