Ecology Vannin
Ecological Consultancy Services
Contact Us!
Email consultancy@mwt.im or call us on 07624 261233
Ecology Vannin offer a range of ecological consultancy services, to support projects ranging large scale developments to smaller habitat improvement schemes. Whatever the type of project, one thing remains the same – our Isle of Man based ecologists work professionally, supporting our clients and ensuring nature and the environment are appropriately considered on all projects.
Our team are CIEEM registered, well qualified, licensed and highly experienced Manx ecologists. Our USP is that our team fully understand the Isle of Man culture, habitats, species, legislation, and planning requirements.
Adam conducting a preliminary roost check.
Below is a list of some of the services we provide across the Isle of Man and indicative pricing for each service;
*Prices vary depending on the size and complexity of a site, as well as any additional requirements for biological data used in reports. These prices serve as a rough guide, for an accurate quote please email consultancy@mwt.im.
Ecology & Wildlife Surveys
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA):
A PEA provides an overall appraisal of the site covering species of flora and fauna, native and non-native, as well as habitats present. The subsequent Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Report (PEAR) may highlight the need for further in-depth species specific surveys if there is any evidence of a possible impact on an important plant or animal species.
Price Guide
£700 - £3,000 +
Protected Species Survey (PSS) - Building Assessment:
A protected species building assessment can be undertaken for protected species such as Bats and Birds. The assessment focusses on detection of evidence of habitation as well as identifying features that could provide opportunities for nesting or roosting individuals. The subsequent report may highlight the need for further in-depth species specific surveys if there is any evidence of a possible impact species on site.
Price Guide
£600 - £1,900 +
Protected Species Survey (PSS) - Common Frog:
A Protected Species Survey (PSS) establishes the likely presence or likely absence of a protected species such as common frog on/or adjacent to a proposed development site. A survey can determine the suitability, presence and breeding status of the species on a given site.
Price Guide
£900 - £2700 +
Protected Species Survey (PSS) - Common Lizard:
A Protected Species Survey (PSS) establishes the likely presence or likely absence of a protected species such as Common Lizard on/or adjacent to a proposed development site. A survey can determine the suitability, presence and breeding status of the species on a given site.
Price of Service
£500 - £2500 +
Preliminary Roost Assessment (PRA) - Bats (buildings & trees):
A preliminary roost assessment (PRA) can be undertaken to look for evidence and to assess the suitability of structures (i.e buildings, sheds, bridges) and trees for roosting bats.
Price Guide
£600 - £1,900 +
Bat Surveys: Activity & Emergence Surveys
Activity surveys involve ecologists walking pre-determined transect routes in order to observe, listen for and record bats in flight using hand-held detectors. Static detectors can also be used to provide quantitative data to supplement transect data.
Presence / absence surveys involve monitoring buildings and / or trees to assess whether bats are using features for roosting. Evening emergence and dawn re-entry surveys involve monitoring at dusk or dawn using bat detectors and night vision aids (NVAs). Ecology Vannin currently uses the latest NVA technology, deploying thermal imaging scopes to produce highly accurate and reliable bat surveys for our clients.
Price Guide
Small to Large Buildings (Presence/Absence) £400 - £2,000 +
Small to Large Sites (Activity) £900 - £7,500 +

Thermal scopes in action
Breeding Bird Surveys:
Breeding bird surveys are usually required on most development projects, whether urban or rural, with the number of surveys dictated by the size of the size, scope of development and habitats present in line with industry best practice (generally three to six visits). Breeding bird surveys can be conducted from March to July annually. A series of breeding bird surveys undertaken throughout this period ensures that the surveys cover both early resident breeders, as well as later migrant breeders and those species which raise several broods of young.
A survey transect is walked, generally in the early morning, with all species encountered on the site or immediately adjacent land recorded and plotted on a site map, with breeding behavioural notation where appropriate. This allows to total species list to be compiled, along with the population of possible, probable and confirmed breeders to be ascertained, along with the habitats and areas they are utilising. This information is then presented in a detailed report , which will also detail and analyse historic avian data for the site. Some sites will require crepuscular (dawn/dusk) or nocturnal survey for protected species active in the hours of darkness.
Price Guide
£600 - £2,900 +
Over-wintering Bird Surveys:
Similar to breeding bird surveys, the focus of these surveys is on resident and migratory birds which visit the Isle of Man to benefit from our mild winters. Over-wintering bird surveys assess (primarily rural) sites for their importance for wintering birds such as migratory wildfowl on agricultural land and low-lying land where water collects, or migratory thrushes which utilise our hedgerows for shelter and food. These surveys take place from October to March. Historic avian data for the site will be analysed and presented within the report.
Price Guide
£900 -£3,300 +
Nesting Bird Site Checks:
As the nests of all birds are legally protected under the Isle of Man Wildlife Act 1990, we can undertake site assessments during the development stage, to determine where nests may be, or have been encountered, allowing the client to be informed of suitable mitigations and courses of action. Nesting bird site checks are valid for a period of five days and are recommended (and may be mandated) immediately prior to any re-roofing, demolition, tree felling or hedge or habitat removal or site engineering works.
Price Guide
£200 - £564 +
Marine Services
Ecology Vannin offer advice on many aspects of marine, intertidal and coastal environment work. This includes;-
- Advice and guidance on issues that affect the marine environment
- Advice on all aspects of marine, intertidal and coastal environment work
- Marine, intertidal habitat and species surveys
- Invasive species surveys and advice
- Awareness, education, and practical training
Other Ecology Services
Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW):
An Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) provides advice about ecological and environmental issues during the construction of a development. Typical issues include protected species, pollution, surface water management, material management, air quality and noise.
Ecologist Rates
Per Hour £66 / Per Day £440
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG):
In line with the UK regional and government policy (and future Isle of Man policy), our team are able to advise our clients on how to best achieve BNG within their development projects. We can do this from the very start of the project, working hand-in-hand with our clients to ensure that BNG of the right level is achieved at minimal cost and impact to the wider project.
Our consultants will complete assessments on the project designs and then make recommendations for how BNG could be achieved either on-site or elsewhere.
One of the outputs will be a report that incorporates both assessments and associated scores, to make it easy to make decisions on where BNG can be achieved within each project.
Price Guide
£500 - £3000 +
Our Consultancy Team
Greg Watson BSc (Hons) - Consultancy Administrator/Trainee Ecologist

Greg has joined the Ecology Vannin team in 2023 as Consultancy Administrator and Trainee Ecologist. He recently graduated, gaining a BSc with first class honours in Wildlife Conservation from Nottingham Trent University.
Whilst completing his degree Greg developed his skills in ecological census techniques applying them on field surveys in the UK, Northern Spain and South Africa.
Greg has experience in surveying and monitoring schedule 1 species such as hen harrier and arctic tern on the Isle of Man and has worked for the RSPB protecting rare breeding birds including European bee-eater in the UK. He also has experience in bat and lizard surveying having carried out surveys for the Isle of Man government and the Manx Wildlife trust.
His role in Ecology Vannin speaks to his passion to protect the natural world and help deliver sustainable development in the Isle of Man. Greg is invested in building strong relationships with our clients who want to work with Ecology Vannin to ensure ‘the best for project’ ecological solutions are deployed.
Adam Denard BSc (Hons) MCIEEM – Senior Ecologist

Adam completed his ecological studies in 2003, graduating with a Higher National Diploma and BSc with first class honours. During this time he was a biological field assistant in Northern Finland and a field assistant for mammal studies with the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU) University of Oxford.
In 2004, Adam moved into professional ecological consultancy in England, providing professional ecological survey and reports to a range of commercial clients. During this time he conducted surveys and reports on a range of taxonomic groups including higher plants, great crested newts, water voles, otters, birds, bats and reptiles.
Since returning to the island, Adam has worked as a conservation officer for Manx BirdLife and after a career break has helped develop the consultancy arm of MWT.
He regularly conducts ecological appraisals and impact assessments of development sites within the planning system, designs and implements protected species surveys and mitigation plans and holds Isle of Man protected species licences for all species of bats, barn owl, common lizard, common frog and dark bush-cricket.
Andree Dubbeldam BSc (Hons) PGCert – Conservation Officer (Botanical)

Andree joined MWT in 2002 as Wildflowers of Mann Project Manager. His work for MWT has included leading a survey of the Island’s flora, working on the Wildlife Sites project and helping landowners create new woodlands, wetlands, meadows and other habitats across the Island.
Andree has an excellent working knowledge of IOM habitats and the ecology around them.
Andree also works as a part-time lecturer at the Isle of Man College, where he teaches courses in the land-based sector.
Dr Lara Howe CSci, CMarSci, MiMarEST – Conservation Officer (Marine)

Lara has a degree in Marine Biology from The University of Liverpool, carried out at their Port Erin based Marine Lab where she continued to gain a PhD in Marine Pollution in the Isle of Man: Impact and Recovery. Monitoring the impacts and recovery of subtidal marine habitats from sewage and Nucella lapillus populations from TBT based anti-fouling paints.
Lara then continued her impact assessment work joining Cefas (Centre for the Environment and Aquaculture Science) for 4.5 years as a Marine Environmental Impact Assessor providing advice to DEFRA and the MMO (Marine Management Organisation) on the potential impacts of marine activities such as dredging, wind farms, general construction and aggregate extraction, on habitats and species.
Lara has been with MWT since 2014, working closely with DEFA and other organisations, both local and further afield, to protect and conserve the marine environment. She carries out a range of coastal and marine surveys.
Leigh Morris MSc, CHort, FCIHort – Chartered Horticulturist

Leigh's specialisms include production horticulture, botanical gardens, capacity building, further & higher land-based education, management, strategy and organisational development and charity governance.
Leigh has an MSc in International Horticulture and is a Chartered Horticulturist. He is a Board member of Visit Isle of Man Agency Board, a Council member of the UK Overseas Territories Conservation Forum (UKOTCF).
Tricia Sayle BSc (Hons) MSc - Conservation Officer (Botanical)

Tricia joined MWT in 1998 and has over 30 years’ experience of managing volunteers, undertaking practical work on nature reserves, and writing and implementing site management plans.
Tricia carries out wildflower and botanical surveys for Ecology Vannin utilising her vast experience of Manx habitats and flora.

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