The Midweek Muckers partaking in coppicing, wattle making and cutting and clearing the bog at Close Sartfield Nature Reserve.
Hedgehog © Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography
The Midweek Muckers partaking in coppicing, wattle making and cutting and clearing the bog at Close Sartfield Nature Reserve.
One of MWT’s main aims is to manage nature reserves, conserving some of the best habitats on the Isle of Man.
With 24 actively managed reserves, encompassing around 300 acres of land, MWT needs to ensure a good set of machinery, tools and other materials are available to allow for effective maintenance and upkeep.
To enable us to do this we have a Christmas wish list. All these items will help us to be able to continue to keep our reserves in as good a condition for Manx wildlife as possible!
Any support would be gratefully received and you can find the full list here - https://www.mwt.im/give-gift-wildlife-year
**Please note that Glion Darragh is closed to all after significant storm damage in December 2024. Unstable, windblown trees present a…
The species-rich wet tussocky grassland of this closed reserve contains a number of orchids and other wetland plant species and provides…
Once a salt-water lagoon, this slowly drying-out closed reserve is rich with invertebrates and attracts many bird species.