Catching a glimpse
Seals can be seen around our coast all year. The two species seen are the Atlantic grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) and the Common or harbour seal (Phoca vitulina).
When and where to look
The best place to see seals is down at the Sound, between the Island and the Calf of Man, often hauled up on Kitterland. Other great places to spots seals include Langness, Maughold head, and the Point of Ayre.
However, seals are easily disturbed and it is an offence, under the Wildlife Act to do so. Disturbance can range from causing a sleeping or resting seal to lift its head to look at you, to a panicked escape response back into the water. In areas where there is a gently sloping beach injury is limited but on a steep rocky shore when the tide has gone out can result in the seals taking a nose dive onto rocks several meters below them. This can result in serious injury or death, including death of an unborn pup if the female is pregnant. Once back in the water they will wait until the tide comes in again wasting energy and not being able to rest and properly digest their food. If the disturbance continues or happens multiple times this can affect their general health and may lead to them not pupping that year. Alternatively if they have a pup then they may abandon the pup entirely. See below for the best ways to view seals.
Please report your seal sightings to our Marine Officer, Lara via her email