Volunteer Registration Form Volunteers are so important to what we do. Please fill out this form to help us keep your details up to date, keep you informed on special volunteer events, and if you are a new volunteer, match you to your perfect role! Title - Select -MissMsMrMrsDr First Name Last Name Are you over the age of 18? Yes No Search Address Address Line 1 Address Line 2 ZIP/Postal Code City/Town State/Province Country Telephone Email Address Email Address Confirm email Emergency Contact Name Emergency Contact Number Please tell us which volunteering role you have accepted (tick all that apply) MWT Ayres Nature Discovery Centre MWT Scarlett Nature Discovery Centre MWT Gift Shop Seal sitter Marine Mammal Medic Marine Ranger Seasearch Marine Strandings Ballachurry Bashers Milntown garden club Midweek Muckers Creg y Cowin practical volunteer Admin and Office Help Fundraising MWT Northern Supporter Group MWT Southern Supporter Group Upland Peat Mapping Campaigning Magazine delivery Events and Marketing Internships Work Experience Do you have any medical/ health conditions that you would like us to know about? Do you have any relevant qualifications you would like us to know about Do you drive and have access to a car? Yes No Please disclose any criminal conviction you have that is not spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, including dates. This is unlikely to affect your capacity to volunteer. IMPORTANT: If none, please leave blank. We’d also like to keep you updated with our news, wider volunteering and job opportunities and other ways you can support MWT. Please indicate that you are happy for us to hold your details securely and contact you from time to time. You can update your preferences at any time by emailing enquiries@mwt.im Email (including e-news) Post Telephone MWT will never share or sell your details to anybody else. You can find full details of how and why we collect intormation, how we use and protect your personal data and what your rights are in our Privacy Policy: www.mwt.im/privacy-policy How did you hear about us? - Select -EventWebsiteFacebookTwitterFrom a friendAs a MWT MemberSchoolLeafletNature reserve Image Use Permission. I give permission to MWT to use my image in the following ways: In Print ( Manx Nature, displays and local press) MWT website MWT social media accounts Any other promotion ( TV etc) None of the above From time to time, members of the MWT team, our suppliers and volunteers take photographs and video footage, which may be used in a variety of ways by MWT. MWT will never sell images/footage to third parties or use your image in a negative way. Your details will never be shared or sold to anyone else. You can find full details of how we use our information in our Privacy Policy: www.mwt.im/privacy-policy. Confidentiality Agreement I agree with the statements below I understand that I may come into contact with confidential information during my time with MWT, including information that could be used to identify members and their families, employees, suppliers, and other associates of the organisation, or other information marked as confidential. I agree that I will: - only use this information to complete the tasks assigned to me follow any instructions I am given to ensure confidential information is kept securely - not remove any confidential information from the premises unless required to do so as part of my duties - not disclose confidential information to anyone outside MWT unless authorised to do so by MWT Engagement Manager, Graham Makepeace-Warne (graham@mwt.im) - ask for advice from MWT Engagement Manager, Graham Makepeace-Warne (graham@mwt.im) if I am unsure about requests or instructions I receive that do not comply with this agreement - I understand that any unauthorised disclosure of confidential information may result in MWT ending its relationship with me, and that I may be personally liable for legal actions arising from any unauthorised disclosure of confidential information Have you been given access to the volunteer handbook? Yes No I understand that I may come into contact with confidential information during my time with MWT, including information that could be used to identify members and their families, employees, suppliers, and other associates of the organisation, or other information marked as confidential. I agree that I will: - only use this information to complete the tasks assigned to me follow any instructions I am given to ensure confidential information is kept securely - not remove any confidential information from the premises unless required to do so as part of my duties - not disclose confidential information to anyone outside MWT unless authorised to do so by MWT Engagement Manager, Graham Makepeace-Warne (graham@mwt.im) - ask for advice from MWT Engagement Manager, Graham Makepeace-Warne (graham@mwt.im) if I am unsure about requests or instructions I receive that do not comply with this agreement - I understand that any unauthorised disclosure of confidential information may result in MWT ending its relationship with me, and that I may be personally liable for legal actions arising from any unauthorised disclosure of confidential information Please tell us who your MWT first point of contact/ volunteer leader is Leave this field blank