(c) Eleanor Stone
State of Nature 2024 - Whales & Dolphins
Manx Whale & Dolphin Watch monitor six main cetacean species in Isle of Man waters: Harbour Porpoise, Risso’s Dolphin, Bottlenose Dolphin, Short-beaked Common Dolphin and the Minke Whale. In addition to these resident species, there have been confirmed sightings of Humpback Whales and potential sightings of Sei and Fin Whales. The Harbour Porpoise is our only year-round resident.
Although none of these species is currently listed as endangered, all cetacean species are protected in Manx waters.
Since 2005, when Manx Whale & Dolphin Watch was established by John Galpin, there has been an increase in recorded sightings. This is more likely attributed to the increased public awareness about our native and visiting marine species than an increase in population numbers.