A grey seal by Alexander Mustard/2020VISION
State of Nature 2024 - Seals
We have two seal species in Manx waters, Atlantic Grey Seal and Common or Harbour Seal. Seals spend most of their time at sea, feeding for up to two days at a time. They haul-out on shore for brief periods to rest and digest their food and to give birth. The Sound, the Calf of Man, Langness, Point of Ayre and Maughold head are all hotspots for seal sightings.
Grey Seals are a globally rare species, only found in the north Atlantic, with Great Britain home to around 40% of the World’s population. Seals are listed in the Manx Wildlife Act 1990 under schedule 5 which means it is illegal to recklessly disturb or injure any seal species in Manx waters.
Seals are keystone species playing a crucial role in the marine ecosystem. MWT monitor seals on the Calf of Man during the pupping season; September to November. This enables understanding of pupping success rates, general health and population dynamics.