Small-spotted catshark ©Alex Mustard/2020VISION
State of Nature 2024 - Marine Fish
Our marine environment stretches from our coastline’s high-tide mark to the 12-mile limit. This environment supports a variety of pelagic (swimming in the water column) and benthic (bottom-dwelling) species. Although tens of species of marine fish and shellfish are recorded in our waters, the following are considered our key commercial species: Scallops & Queenies, Whelk, Edible Crab, Nephrops, European Lobster and Herring. Our other native species include Callig (Pollack), Coley, Mackerel, Lemon Sole, Turbot, Sole, Dab, Plaice, Monk Fish (Anglerfish) Cod, Haddock and Whiting.
Other key species include our small sharks. There is a small recreational fishery built around angling for these species, specifically Tope and Spurdog. Recent tagging research has shown they travel great distances, complicating their protection, via multi-jurisdictional borders. Although it is illegal to land Spurdog, Mako and Porbeagle in the Isle of Man; all of our native shark species are protected, whilst in Manx waters.