River Dipping

River in IOM

River Dipping

River Dipping

Discover what lives in our freshwater habitats by visiting your local river or stream and collecting invertebrates to take a closer look at.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the session, students should be able to:

  • Identify numerous freshwater invertebrates using identification guides.
  • Keep themselves and the wildlife around them safe.
  • Recall a scientific method of sampling species population and water quality.

Session Outline

  • River Safety: Explore the riverbanks and even get into the river in your wellies whilst keeping yourself and the wildlife safe.
  • Kick Sampling: Learn a key sampling method scientists use to measure freshwater invertebrate populations which indicate the water quality.
  • Freshwater Invertebrate Identification: Identify common freshwater species and learn what adaptions they have made to survive in this habitat.   

Curriculum Links

  • Scoillyn Eco/ Eco Schools Link: Water: an introduction to the importance of water both locally and globally.
  • Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Link: 6. Clean Water and Sanitation: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

Possible Locations

Below are a few great locations for river dipping however MWT Education Officer, Beth, can advise on the best location for your school and age group.  

  • North – MWT Cooildarry Nature Reserve
  • East – Molly Quirks Glen, Summerhill Glen, River Glass
  • South – Silverdale Glen
  • West – Garey ny Cloie, River Neb