Manx Wildlife Trust is the Island’s leading Nature Conservation charity, we are a major force in promoting wildlife and wild places in the Isle of Man. We keep a close eye on what is happening in wildlife populations to enable us to help, protect and understand the impacts on species. One of those biggest impacts are invasive species which sounds very like an alien invasion. What is an invasive species? It is an animal or plant that harms an environment after being introduced to it by humans. This might be accidental, or as a result of garden escapees or even introduced on purpose. Invasive species are harmful to our natural wildlife and overall ecosystem health, they can harm native species because they are suddenly competing with a new species for the same resources (eg food, water, shelter, etc.). Invasive species often outcompete the native species for these resources leaving an ecosystem which is much less diverse. sometimes even driving native species to extinction.
However, it is not all bad news, for example Manx Wildlife Trust has been monitoring the invasive pacific oysters which appeared in numbers on Ramsey Harbour walls. Monitoring of the numbers of these oysters showed a decrease, but the decision was also taken for complete removal of this species from here. The pacific oyster is native to Japan and was deliberately introduced for oyster farming in the UK in the 1950’s. This introduction was planned in part to compensate for the near eradication of our native Oyster, the European Oyster which are slower growing by comparison and were also over harvested.