(c) TG
(c) TG
The Government's consultation closes tonight on its Agricultural Strategy (click here to view and have your say), and it looks like it puts the environment first with delivery of biodiversity, carbon and water management. It's suggestions of an Agri-Environment Scheme is not before time since the last one closed, but it needs more detail and should be focused with targets and outcomes. MWT have some clear suggestions to take this forward so that public investment can be transparent and deliver much needed boost to farmers and our wildlife.
It will need at least £1.5million a year budget along with long-term Government commitment. This would be a great investment, with a whole range of benefits that can be seen in more detail within our Nature and Farming Policy. However, this isn't the level of funding or detail the Government is commiting towards.
It needs some clear targeting and outcomes within any Agri-Environment Scheme but also an approach that offers both equitability and the focus to deliver ecological solutions, complimented with advice and monitoring that is flexible and locally relevant to any farmer that wants it. The foundation for securing wildlife and environmental gain should start with cross complience and achieving positive status of conservation features.
We need to make sure we build on what already looks like High Nature Value farming as the scheme develops during 2019, and secure a #WilderFuture #TraaSmooFeieSonMannin for Manx wildlife.
MWT Nature and Farming Policy 383.16 KB