Habitat Heroes

4 girls sat around a mini habitat they made in a plant pot

Habitat Heroes

Learn all about habitats and the positive and negative impact we can have on habitats in the wild and at school.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the session, students should be able to:

  • Recall the definition of a habitat and the basic needs of all wildlife.
  • Recognise different habitats in the Isle of Man.
  • Determine why wildlife can only live in certain habitats based on their basic needs.
  • Enhance their school grounds for local wildlife.

Session Outline

  • Introduction to Habitats: Learn about what a habitat is and what plants and animals need in their habitat to survive.
  • Manx Habitats & their Wildlife: Building on a new understanding of habitats, play a game to identify the odd one out in different Manx habitats and discuss what characteristics that habitat has.   
  • Improving Habitats in your School: Create a richer habitat for wildlife in your school by building mini shelter, food, and water stations which you can continue to observe over the following weeks.

Curriculum Links

  • Scoillyn Eco/ Eco Schools Link: School Grounds: an introduction to improving School Grounds for students, staff, plants, insects and animals. 
  • Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Link: 15. Life on land: Protect biodiversity and natural habitats.

Possible locations

  • Onsite: This session is designed to delivered in school. Weather permitting this can be delivered partly in the classroom and partly outside in the school grounds.