Manx Wildlife Trust (MWT) is delighted that in our 50th year we are appointing our first Fenee Ghlassey (Green Champions) - individuals who have made a significant lifetime contribution to Manx Wildlife Trust (MWT) and, thereby, the conservation and restoration of Manx nature in the Isle of Man.
The Fenee Ghlassey will enable MWT to retain a strong link with long term volunteers who have earned the respect of the charity through their significant contribution. Our Fenee Ghlassey will be regarded as lifetime patrons of MWT, in effect wise and trusted elders. These individuals have no obligation to attend any meetings or fulfil any formal functions for MWT, however, our Fenee Ghlassey will continue to provide support to MWT from their collective experience and independence by:
- Providing wise council as/when required to MWT CEO, Chair, Trustees, and staff.
- Continuing to be strong advocates for MWT and Manx nature.
- Being invited to attend and represent MWT at events as/when appropriate.
MWT were keen to have a Manx name for these individuals, and so we contacted Chris Sheard, Secretary, Coonceil ny Gaelgey, who gave some great advice and enabled us to call the group Fenee Ghlassey. This translates as "Green Champions" although as our Chair, Simon Cain, explained at our launch event, the expression has a wider meaning. The Gaelic word "glass" (for example the river Glass or Ballaglass) means not only green, but suggests a land verdant and full of colour and abundant life, and in the context of water: clear, bright and sparkling. Meanwhile "fenee" suggests a group of warriors, championing a cause, so our own Fenee Ghlassey are MWT's band of respected elders who have fought for the cause of Manx nature for many years.
[Linguistic note: Fenee ghlassey is pronounced fayn-yee ghlassa* and the singular form feniagh glass is pronounced fayn-yakh glass*.
*kh is like the Scots pronunciation of ‘ch’ in ‘loch’ or the German ‘ich’.
*gh is similar to kh, but like a gently ‘gargled’ hard ‘g’]

Appointment & Term:
The Fenee Ghlassey are appointed ‘for life’, with individuals being nominated to, approved by and invited by the MWT Council to join the group. MWT welcome nominations from anybody for people to join our Fenee Ghlassey.
Launch Event:
We launched our Fenee Ghlassey at a special lunch hosted by our MWT Patrons, His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor and Lady Lorimer, at Government House on Monday 6th November 2023.
"We were delighted to host the four Fenee Ghlassey at Government House. What an amazing commitment, long service and dedication to Manx Wildlife Trust and the Island. True champions!’"
- His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor and Lady Lorimer
"Publicly recognising and thanking these special individuals for their huge commitment towards Manx nature and Manx Wildlife Trust, was something I was particularly keen to do in our 50th anniversary year. Launching Fenee Ghlasssey with our patrons at Government House was highly appropriate and hopefully gave these, our Fenee Ghlasssey, a sense of the admiration we hold for them. I hope this becomes part of MWT and Isle of Man culture and we see more people added to our Island Fenee Ghlasssey in years to come!"
- Leigh Morris, CEO, MWT

The 2023 Green Champions: Felicity Cain, Jean Buck MBE, Viv Davies, Roger Pullin with His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor and Lady Lorimer, MWT Chair Simon Cain and MWT CEO Leigh Morris.
Our First Fenee Ghlassey:
The first four Fenee Ghlasssey appointed are:
Jean Buck MBE
A long term volunteer for MWT and the first MWT Education and Engagement Officer. Within her varied role, Jean developed courses and eco-tourism holidays to the IOM for MWT. Jean received an MBE for ‘her services to wildlife and conservation in the Island’ in the 2011 New Years Honours List. Jean remains a stalwart of our MWT Northern Supporters Group today, helping with any group events, and using her skills to create some fantastic tapestries to mark MWT’s 50th anniversary.
Felicity Cain
One of MWT founders who, along with her husband William, was a driving force for setting up MWT, donating one of MWT’s first nature reserves at Cooildarry, and its delivery in the first 40+ years. Felicity is the mother of our current Chair, Simon Cain. She set up and managed our retail sales operation from the outset and remains a stalwart of volunteering in our MWT Peel Gift Shop today.
Roger Pullin
Another of MWT's founders and the original Secretary. Roger is a renowned marine biologist - ex Port Erin Marine laboratory. Beyond the Isle of Man, Roger worked for many years in the Philippines on marine issues. Roger has only recently stood down from MWT Council after a long period of service, however, he remains involved on our Marine & Freshwater Committee, and is a champion for marine and freshwater conservation.
Viv Davies
Viv was a long-term Trustee and Chair of MWT and Chair of our Northern Supporters Group, before standing down in 2022. Her tireless delivery in these roles for many years was tremendous. Viv remains a stalwart of our MWT Northern Supporters Group, and alongside her husband, Ian, they led the organisation of and hosted the wonderful MWT Gardener's Fair at their home in Andreas.

The 2023 Green Champions: Felicity Cain, Jean Buck MBE, Viv Davies, Roger Pullin with His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor and Lady Lorimer, MWT Chair Simon Cain and MWT CEO Leigh Morris.