Climate Change and Rainforests

Tree Planting area with rainbow above creg y cowin

Climate Change and Rainforests

Did you know we have rainforest in the Isle of Man? Learn about temperate rainforests and how the island is building and expanding them to combat climate change and biodiversity loss.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the session, students should be able to:

  • Define 3 different types of rainforests around the world.
  • Explain why the Isle of Man is a suitable environment for temperate rainforests.
  • Recall how rainforests can help reduce the impacts of climate change.
  • Appreciate how long it take to re-build biodiversity that has been lost.

Session Outline

  • Rainforests Around the World: Discover the wonders of tropical, montane, and temperate rainforests around the world and the incredible wildlife that resides in them.
  • Rainforests in the Isle of Man: Together we’ll figure out why the Isle of Man has great conditions for temperate rainforests and why this is important in our fight against climate change.
  • Re-building: Find out how it is possible to re-build temperate rainforest in the island and draw your predictions for what the island will look like 100 years into the rebuilding process.

Curriculum Links

  • Scoillyn Eco/ Eco Schools Link: Biodiversity: maintain a high level of plant, insect and animal life locally and globally.
  • Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Link: 13. Climate Action: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

Possible Locations

  • Onsite: This session is designed to be a classroom-based session, delivered in school.
  • Offsite: If you would like to visit a temperate rainforest project then please note this on your enquiry form. We currently have 1 project in East Baldwin (Creg Y Cowin) and 1 in West Baldwin (Glion Darragh).