Marine Appeal
of £50,000 goal
More than 80% of Isle of Man territory is marine and our wildlife in the Irish Sea is in decline. Can you donate to help us to raise £50,000 to conserve and restore our most important Manx marine species and habitats? Healthy seas are one of our best hopes to slow climate change, halt biodiversity collapse and ensure a thriving Island community for generations to come. We #DefendNature through research and monitoring, restoration, species conservation and education.

(c) LS
£10 could buy kit for a child’s first rockpool experience

£50 could fund the tracking of a shark’s movements for a year

£100 could provide care for an injured or sick seal for a week in our rehabilitation centre

A survey team at Fort Island, Langness.
£1000 will fund a group of volunteer divers to map habitat and species on a Seasearch chartered boat
Please donate to help nature recover in Manx seas and shores